Dust Free Asbestos Cloth

Dust Free Asbestos Cloth

Model: WT-DFA604

Dust Free Asbestos Cloth interwoven from dust free asbestos warp and weft yarns (made of long asbestos fiber by wet technics).



It is used as thermal insulating material for boilers and pipe liens etc. used in factories , shipping,ship, power station and steamers.it is more economically than dusted asbestos cloth.

Metallic wire reinforced on request.

Dust free asbestos cloth coated with aluminum foil on one side is available.

Dust Free Asbestos Cloth


·  Interwoven from dust free asbestos warp and weft yarns.

·  It is used as thermal insulating materials for boiler and pipe lines etc.

·  Used in factories, shipping, power station and steamers.

·  Metallic wire reinforced on request.

Dust Free Asbestos Cloth with Aluminium


·  Interwoven from dust free asbestos warp and weft yarns.

·  With aluminium foil on one side.

·  Suitable for fireproof; it is used as thermal insulating materials for boilers and pipe lines etc.

·  Used in factories, shipping, power stations and steamers.

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